Black Label Society bandleader wields his guitar like a Viking weapon, bashing out thick riffage and squeezing out expressive squeals as if the glory of his Berserker brotherhood depends upon every single note, which of course, it does. Charismatic beast and consummate showman, Wylde puts his massive heart and earnest soul on display with unbridled, unchained, animalistic passion in Black Label Society, whether it’s a crushingly heavy blues-rock barnstormer or a piano-driven ode to a fallen brother.
Each Black Label Society album is another opportunity to top the one before it, but like AC/DC or The Rolling Stones, BLS isn’t here to reinvent the wheel. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. It’s a brand we can trust. They are the soundtracks to sweat-soaked revelry, jubilant evenings that descend into bewildering mornings, and adrenaline-fueled sports. , the band’s tenth full-length studio album and follow-up to Billboard Top 5 entries and, Black Label Society submit new anthems like the bluesy and Southern-fried to the BLS faithful; 12 unstoppable tracks to add to that lifestyle soundtrack.